November 2023

What can history tell us about climate change? with Venus Bivar

When heads of state get briefed on rising ocean levels or new plans for carbon sequestration, there are no historians in the room. To date, the natural sciences have dominated the climate change conversation. But climate change is not just about rising carbon dioxide levels and the acidification of the oceans. Climate change is also a social problem. It is the end result of a series of political and economic choices that were first made several hundred years ago; and it is now the cause of a multitude of political and economic challenges. By taking a long view and thinking about the historical dimensions of climate change, we can arrive at a better understanding of what precisely is hindering those in power from addressing the crisis.

May 2023

The Science of Glacier Change with Dr. Brian Menounos

Glaciers represent important elements within many mountainous regions, providing cool, plentiful water when seasonal snowpacks have been depleted. These ice masses also sensitively respond to climate change. I will discuss how we quantify glacier change and showcase our research through examples from glaciers in western Canada.

March 2023

Dr Stephen Scoffham: Linking geography, history and sustainability education

In what ways do history and geography make an essential contribution to sustainability education? And how can sustainability education enrich the study of history and geography? Even more fundamentally, what is the role of the humanities at a time of environmental crisis? In this session, Dr Stephen Scoffham will draw on a combination of research, theory and practical teaching experience to explore how such questions open the door to curriculum innovation and hold out the possibility of wider educational reform.

January 2023

Kate Hawkey discusses her approach to teaching environmental history, based on her upcoming book, History and the Climate Crisis. Environmental history in the classroom.

December 2022

Heather McGregor & Sarah Karn: Centring Indigenous Perspectives in Climate Change-Responsive History and Social Studies Education